subota, 2. studenoga 2013.



At the very beginning I would like to apologize to my colleagues , especially to Mirela and Jasmina. I really don't like animals, I don't hate them, but I'm not crazy about them.

Of course, you ask yourself - why?
Firstly, from my early childhood, I wasn't interested into animals, but I remember one day, all of my family members gathered, and my cousin took his pet too. His dog was quite mad, he was chasing me all the time, and eventually he bit me. Even now, when I see a dog I recall that nightmare.

Secondly, I don't understand people who keep pets at home, especially people who have small children. I think they aren't aware what they are doing, because animals aren't clean. Dogs can harm children. They spread germs what I find really serious reason not to have them in your home. If your pet, for example a dog, is aggressive, he can possibly bite your family member. They are messy too. They can ruin your furniture, and you need extra time to fullfil their needs, otherwise, your house won't be clean.
The other night, dogs in the neighbourhood, they were so noisy, barking all the time so they woke us all up. Then I thought: "Oh God, who called off the dog-catchers?"
In our country, in every town, there are hundreds of dogs in the streets, they often attack citiziens, it's sad they attact children too, and harm them.Government should consider making more shelters for dogs and cats too, just get them out of our streets, so we can walk safely.


If I will have to choose a pet among all animals, probably it would be a fish, they are not noisy, they can't harm you and they need little space. 

 For those who consider their pet a family member:



p.s: Enjoy the topic-related song

srijeda, 30. listopada 2013.

Cartoons: Back to childhood

Speaking about cartoons most of us associate with childhood or happy moments we spent carefree , doing only what we liked to do. Here are several cartoons which were my favourite. 

The one that marked my childhood was "Tom and Jerry", I loved this cartoon, even now I watch it with my little daughter. Its a story about  a cat and a mouse who are always fighting , the cat is always chasing the mouse or opposite, they always find some new things to provoke each other to make their lives  more interesting.

The second one I liked to watch was „Professor Balthazar“, a story about a witty old man who resolves troubles of citizens in his town, everyone loves him. 

In general , cartoons of our age were better, they were funny, educational and interesting, but nowadays cartoons are full of violence, scary monsters, swears and killing, and in a child it makes only negative influence. We should go back and appreciate the real values by making friends , spending more time in good company, rather than spending hours in front of TV spoil our time.